A warm, early Fall day ends on the planet Quinientos III in the Sombrero Galaxy. This planet orbits a blue sun, but is very earth-like. All vegetation on Quinientos III bursts into intense hues during the first few weeks of Autumn.
This blog is to show what alien planets may look like.
awesome post! it was really nice art! thanks a lot for sharing..
thanks for commenting! more on the way...(i hope!)
I can't stop looking at your work! It is so imaginative and absolutely gorgeous! I want to go there!
muchas gracias! much more on the way!
Did you make this color using original photography or this is pencil drawing? Anyway looking so creative.
Wow, pretty cool sharing. I really appreciate your art work. Though, I'm not good at art work as I’m working on Image post production platform for my image editing work. Anyways very good sharing; please keep sharing more. I’ll definitely visit your blog again.image post production
It's really nice art! thanks for sharing...
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