Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Hibernation Ends In Hive City

Swarms of inter-dimensional craft take to the skies of Hive City on Esmeralda III. An odd race of extremely intelligent social insects called the Esmeraldans live here. Their hyper-dimensional and organic Hives are known throughout the Universe. The Esmeraldans are a strange cross between ants and humans. They ae pathetically introverted and do not explore Outer Space. They prefer exploring the Other Realms of Existence.
Inside the Hive...

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Return To The River Styx In Shadow City

A trio of interdimensional ships carrying departed souls appear in the skies above Shadow City. Potent omens of the pending Great Calamity of '25!!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Winter Moonrise On TeTap II

A full moon rises over a hyperdimensional city on the planet TeTap II. This very advanced world is only 250 light years away. The TeTapians are an extremely intelligent feline race. They know of Earth, but despise it!! They consider humans to be a race of filthy apes and want nothing to do with them!!

Return To Calabaza III