Monday, September 16, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Late Summer 2024 Valley Forge

A small flying saucer decides to land in Valley Forge National Park while another saucer buzzes through the skies. It's late Summer now, just a few short weeks before the fast approaching Great Calamity of '24!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Return To Volcán II

Two survey ships return to the planet Volcán II. This volcanic world orbits much too close to its blue sun to support life.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Return To Dreamland 2024

Dreamland is one of the more bizarre spots in the Other Realms. Mothman soars overhead in this place between dreams and reality.

Massive Tornado On Ciclón III

Another tornado is about to touch down on the planet Ciclón III in the Whirlpool Galaxy. This odd world is constantly plagued with twisters and waterspouts.
A triplesaucer scurries away from the approaching behemoth.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Hive City:2025

A massive hyper-dimensional Hive looms in the distance in Hive City. A super intelligent insect race called the Esmeraldans live here. Their Hives are 12 miles tall, and also organic. The extremely introverted Esmeraldans do not explore Outer Space but rather the Other Realms. One of their interdimensional ships sails above in the greenish skies...

Summer Afternoon On Cordero Prime

The green skies and blue sun of Cordero Prime are known throughout the civilized Universe!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Shadow City Boardwalk

No one strolls along the haunted Shadow City Boardwalk. Ever. Bizarre structures line the boardwalk, sending unknown signals somewhere for some unknown purpose.
An interdimensional ship prepares to land and explore this eerie location in the Other Realms.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Return To Hive City On Esmeralda III

The Esmeraldans are an extremely intelligent but shy race of social insects. They build organic and hyper-dimensional hives that are dozens of miles high.
Two of their interdimensional spaceships hover in the greenish skies of this odd world. The Esmeraldans prefer to explore the Other Realms instead of Outer Space.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Bad Moon Rising

A purple moon has come much too close to its planet, causing massive tsunamis to sweep across the doomed world. A survey ship from Cordero Prime records the apocalyptic scene.

Alien Morning In The Sombrero Galaxy

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Shadow Sea

Steps away from Shadow City lies the Shadow Sea. An ugly moon named Feo rises over an abandoned pier as three interdimensional craft fly overhead. This is one of the more unpleasant places in the Other Realms...

Friday, April 5, 2024

Return To TeTap II 2024

Springtime has returned to this hyper-dimensional city on the planet TeTap II. This very advanced world is inhabited by a feline race, and is only 75 light years away. The TeTapians know of Earth but they despise it! They consider humans to be just another species of ignorant apes!
Two intergalactic craft sail in the deep blue sky; they are bound for the Sombrero Galaxy and the Great Corderan Empire!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April Evening In Shadow City

Everything is always awful in Shadow City, even the Springtime. Unpleasant colors coat this so-called City of Ghosts as another depressing day finally ends.
A quartet of flying saucers zoom above the skyline, happy to escape this nasty place in the Other Realms.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Atlantica City On Atlantica II In The Sombrero Galaxy

Two small twin moons rise at dusk over Atlantica City. This hyper-dimensional metropolis in the Sombrero Galaxy bears little resemblance to its tawdry namesake in the Milky Way Galaxy! A copter buzzes above the city in the celestial blue skies of evening.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Saucer Beach On Atlantica II

Aliens from the Milky Way Galaxy begin to land and make it a beach day on the planet Atlantica II. This tropical world welcomes millions of beings from all over the Sombrero Galaxy every year. The planet's unusual sun is the main attraction!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

New Dawn On Acabo IV

A giant moon with only one polar cap sets in the west as a new day breaks on Acobo IV. Flying saucers from the Great Corderan Empire are exploring this vacant world, preparing it for colonozation!

Early Morning On Madrugada III

Another pleasant day is beginning on the planet Madrugada III. A pair of flying saucers share the skies with the orange sun. This is a world of hyper-dimensional cities and parklands.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Evening On Madrugada III

A ringed moon graces the skies of Madrugada III in the early hours of evening. This world in the Sombrero Galaxy is just one of the millions of worlds in the Great Corderan Empire! Two boomerang shaped spacecraft zoom overhead, vistors from Cordero Prime.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Dead Of Winter In Shadow City: 2024

Gloom and doom begin with the new year in Shadow City. This depressing metropolis in the Other Realms is home to the Shadow People. Only one star dares to show itself in the evening skies.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Double Moonrise On Harmony III

A greenish moon named Consonance and a bluish moon named Dissonance rise over the planet Harmony III at dusk. Consonance is covered from pole to pole with a thick jungle, while Dissonance is drowned under a deep sea. A trio of luxury space liners float in the evening skies, bringing curious sightseers from Cordero Prime.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Double Sunset On Harmony III

The planet Harmony III sports two suns, as well as two moons. This pleasant world in the Sombrero Galaxy is a world of hyperdimensional cities and lush parks. A pair of flying saucers buzz overhead, just before sunsset.
someone from Harmony III

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Valley Forge: December 2023

Flying saucers land at Valley Forge National Park on a dull December day.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Harmony III Resorts

Hyper-dimensional architecture ensures there will always be room for you at the Resorts Hotel on the planet Harmony III! Bring lots of suntan lotion!

Return To Echo III

Two space cruisers return to the planet Echo III in the Sombrero Galaxy. One of the many worlds of the Great Corderan Empire!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Shadow City Hospital

Death is always waiting at the Shadow City Hospital. Ghosts and Shadow People are waiting to greet you in the morgue.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Depressing Day In Shadow City

Gray skies and belching smokestacks greet another down day in Shadow City. Two interdimensional spacecraft appear above the sullen city, unhappy visitors from another part of the Other Realms...

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Alien Afternoon In New Jersey

A scout ship from the Great Corderan Empire touches down in New Jersey as other scout ships zoom overhead.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Return To Cordero Prime

A cargo ship buzzes overhead in the early morning skies of Cordero Prime. This is the homeworld of the Great Corderan Empire in the Sombrero Galaxy.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Return To Txyk City

Three alien copters silently slip through the skies above Txyk City on the planet Bueno III. This world in the Sombrero Galaxy is also home to Prism City.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Return To Prism City 2023

A zeppelin cruises towards some skyscrapers in Prism City on an early Summer afternoon.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Return To Hive City 2023

An interdimensional probe floats in the bright blue skies of Hive City. This is the capital of a strange race called the Esmeraldans. They are an extremely shy insect race that prefers to explore other dimensions rather then Outer Space. Their odd organic and hyperdimensional cities are known throughout the Universe.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Is There Life On Mars??

A trio of alien spaceships arrive on Mars as a bored sun looks on. Is there life on Mars?? Yes!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Shadow City Sunrise

It's another gloomy dawn for Shadow City. Fog swirls in from the Shadow Sea next to this haunted metropolis. All who live must eventually visit this surreal place in the Other Realms...
Two ships soar above, carrying souls from this dimension to this so-called City of Ghosts.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Shadow City Storm

An ominous sky hangs over Shadow City; an omen of the fast approaching Great Calamity of '23.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Harmony III 2023

The first sun rises over the planet Harmony III, somewhere in the sublime Sombrero Galaxy...

TeTap II 2023

Two spaceships glide through the skies of TeTap II. The TeTapians use hyperdimensional technology to build their cities. They are about 1000 years ahead of Earth.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Shadow City 2023

New days are ahead in Shadow City, now that Spring has returned. A pillow shaped flying saucer floats overhead in the early sky of Dawn.

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Absence Of Spring--2019

Return To Desierto III

Three cigar shaped flying saucers sail through the early morning skies of the planet Desierto III in the Sombrero Galaxy.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Winter Ends--2019

A massive mothership floats serenely in the sublime skies of Valley Forge on this final day of Winter. Soon a season of immense change will come upon us all...

Friday, August 17, 2018

Surreal Afternoon On Paris III

A gigantic monument looms in the background as two boomerang flying saucers zoom overhead on the planet Paris III. This strange world orbits a double star, about 1000 light years from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Summer Evening On Paris III

The edge of the Andromeda Galaxy rises in the skies of the planet Paris III on a pleasant Summer's eve. A green moon also appears in the sky, far above some exotic alien blooms.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Summer On Larissa III

Two garish suns turn the skies of Larissa III a putrid yellow colour. This world in the Sombrero Galaxy is being visited by a pair of spaceships from the Milky Way Galaxy.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Midsummer 2018

Flying saucers buzz in front of the Summer Sun on a sultry Sunday...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018